Best PCOS-PCOD Treatment in Near Me Marine line

pcos pcod treatment in near me marine line

Best PCOS-PCOD Treatment in Near Me Marine line

PCOS is an endocrine and metabolic disorder. It is considered in any woman with acne, hirsutism, menstrual irregularity, or obesity. Read more about the symptoms, causes, diagnosis and PCOS treatment in Marine Line by Dr  Bhoomika jain

PCOS Symptoms

Patients with PCOS, have anovulation, i.e. they may not produce a follicle cyclically.They may therefore present with primary amenorrhea (i.e. no periods at all).Too few periods (oligomenorrhea) or secondary amenorrhea i.e. absence of periods lasting at least six months.

Additionally, dysfunctional uterine bleeding (excessive, frequent, and irregular bleeding) may occur in some.

PCOS is characterized by insulin resistance and elevated insulin levels. Obesity is present in approximately one-half of patients with PCOS. The waist: hip ratio may be greater than 0.85.

PCOS Causes

The cause of PCOS is unknown, but there is a possibility that PCOS may be a complex genetic disorder in which the genetic factor interacts with various environmental factors and causes an imbalance in the hormones.Dr Bhoomika Jain Specializes in Female Reproductive system

PCOS Diagnosis The clinical and biochemical criteria used to diagnose PCOS.It is suspected in cases of adolescents with hirsutism, acne, menstrual irregularity, or obesity. The diagnosis is further confirmed if excess androgen is demonstrated by laboratory testing. Androgen panel consists of plasma total testosterone, free testosterone, and other androgens such as DHEA sulfate. Plasma-free testosterone is the most sensitive test for identifying androgen excess. DHEA sulfate is the main marker of androgens that come from adrenals. Cortisol and thyroid function tests are indicated in obese patients to exclude other causes of obesity.

A polycystic ovary's characteristics are revealed by pelvic ultrasound. for example multiple(more than 10) little follicles with expanded stroma.

A baseline lipid panel and a glucose tolerance test are important as PCOS is related to insulin resistance. The fasting glucose focus is an unfortunate indicator of the two-hour level in PCOS.Two-hour blood glucose greater than 140 mg/dL indicates insulin resistance and this is important from the treatment point of view.If You are facing any symptons of pcos treatment and are not sure Consult the Best PCOS Treatment in near me Marine Line

PCOS Treatment in near me Marine Line

The treatment of PCOS is based on the symptoms.The individual patient's symptoms and objectives will determine the treatment option.

Weight loss through diet and exercise is a crucial first step.

Feminine abnormality thought to be treated in patients with PCOS in light of the fact that constant anovulation is related with an expanded gamble of creating endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma.

For women who experience irregular menstruation, combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP) therapy is typically the initial course of treatment.They regularize the cycles very effectively and also normalize androgen levels.

The cosmetic treatment of abnormal and excessive hair growth is offered to patients. It is safe and effective but does not correct the underlying problems. Therefore they all offer only temporary relief. The usual methods are depilation (e.g. shaving, hair removing creams), epilation (eg, plucking, waxing), destruction of the dermal papilla (eg, electrolysis or laser therapy.

The treatment with COCP stops the progression of hirsutism and significantly improves acne.

In severe hirsutism, antiandrogens may be prescribed in addition to COCP. Metformin, thiazolidinediones, and D-chiro-inositol are examples of insulin-lowering medications used to treat insulin resistance. In PCOS patients, this improves ovulation and hormonal profile.

Ovulation drugs and assisted reproductive methods may be required to help PCOS patients conceive if they are unable to do so naturally.

Above all patients with PCOS require a boost to their confidence as they may have serious emotional issues with their hair growth, acne, and obesity.

PCOD Treatment Procedure & PCOS Treatment Procedure

The most prevalent hormonal disorders affecting women today are Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD) and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). We at Dr Prakhar jain clinic offer a variety of PCOS/PCOD treatments. Treatment will be founded on your side effects, your craving for pregnancy and to bring down your possibilities getting coronary illness and diabetes. In order for many women to achieve these objectives, multiple treatments will be required.

Treatment Options

Medications to Regulate the Menstrual Cycle

The birth control pill, also known as a contraceptive, is the most common treatment for PCOS. Because they contain the hormones that your body requires to treat PCOS, birth control pills may be prescribed by your physician even if you do not engage in sexual activity.

These birth control pills help in:

What are the medications Required to get rid  of pcod treatment in Marine Line Metformin is the only diabetes and insulin resistance treatment that has been approved by the FDA. Metformin is an effective treatment for PCOS because it helps to reduce miscarriages, gestational diabetes, and numerous long-term health issues. Metformin use during pregnancy remains contentious, despite the apparent low risk. Talk to our doctor about using this medication to treat PCOS.Dr Bhoomika jain deals with Female Reproductive Problems that young women are facing in our generation .for more information you can visit our website

Medications for Infertility For PCOD patients with infertility, Clomid or Letrozole are the first line of ovulation stimulation medication.

Patients are educated about fertility period and with the help of ovulation prediction kits they are advised to have intercourse. This might not be helpful in PCOD patients with persistent high LH levels. Due to the connection between PCOS and insulin resistance, some patients might need to take Metformin along with Clomid or Letroze to increase insulin sensitivity.

In cases where oral medication is a failure, hormonal injections like Gonadotrophins are used. Gonadotrophins injection (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) promotes the growth and development of a mature egg. However there is a risk of ovarian hyperstimulation, hence it’s mandatory to monitor progress through ultrasound and blood tests. Once the doctor feels that you are close to ovulation, you are either advised to have intercourse (Ovulation induction with timed intercourse) or the doctor plans for Intra uterine

Surgery plays a minimal role in PCOD patients. However, it is possible to perform therapeutic ovarian drilling on some women who do not respond to fertility medications. In this procedure, the cysts of the ovary are punctured under laparoscopic guidance. Within days, this treatment causes a significant decrease in male hormones. Studies have shown that up to 80% will benefit from such treatment. It is interesting to note that women who smoke in these studies rarely responded to the drilling procedure. After laparoscopic ovarian drilling, a few of the side effects that are rarely anticipated include pelvic adhesions and ovarian failure.

Life Style Modifications

PCOS and weight gain go hand in hand. Many women with PCOS are overweight or obese. Keeping a healthy weight by eating healthy foods and exercising is another way woman can manage PCOS. Even a 10 percent loss in body weight can restore a normal period and make a women’s cycle more regular.Get the Best Treatment For Pcos Pcod Treatment in Near Me ,Marine Line by Dr Bhoomika Jain.If you are suffering from the problem polcystic ovary syndrome.

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